Daily Mail Femail – Fridja Best Handheld Clothes Steamer 2024
Looking for the Best handheld clothes steamer 2024? The Daily Mail and Femail magazine are here to help!
Journalist Hannah Betts says “‘Steaming is effortless and not only wipes out wrinkles, but also kills bacteria, keeping clothes fresh — perfect for anything that’s dry-clean only. They’re also brilliant at preventing moths”. We’d have to agree, but on Wednesday night Hannah Betts for Femail wrote a fantastic article all about the merits of handheld clothes steamers – “fast, eco friendly, and more fun than being chained to the iron”. Yes, yes and yes!
Perfect Your Technique
Best Handheld Clothes Steamer 2021
Hannah Betts describes the f10 best handheld clothes steamer as:
“Powerfully Efficient”
Hannah Betts (pictured armed with the Fridja f10) reveals which is the best handheld clothes steamer. Which are worth buying and which are simply full of hot air?
In Hannah’s article, she the merits of having the best handheld clothes steamer 2021 and why she has never got on with the dreaded iron.
“The last time I ironed, I was 18 and freshly arrived at university. ‘How hard can this be?’ I thought, brandishing said implement with a sweeping gesture that began on a blouse and proceeded straight up the tender skin inside my left arm.
Horrified by my wounds, the boy downstairs offered to press things for me. And so began my Oxford romance, as my affair with the ironing board ended. Since then, I have either ignored ironing (in my 20s) or paid someone to do it (after the age of 35, when one can’t get away with bedraggled insouciance). Then came the pandemic, and I could not have my cleaner come in to iron. Fed up with looking like a bag lady, but determined not to engage in any domestic drudgery, I decided to invest in a natty, handheld steamer. And it turns out I’m not the only one to ditch the iron in favour of waving the creases out of my clothes.
My fashion editor friend Cleo raves about them: ‘Steaming is effortless and not only wipes out wrinkles, but also kills bacteria, keeping clothes fresh — perfect for anything that’s dry-clean only. They’re also brilliant at preventing moths.’ Gun-like in design, these steamers are fast, ecologically friendly, and far more fun than being chained to the iron. Simply fill the water cartridge of the steamer, plug it in, then wait a few seconds for it to heat up, at which point a light tells you that you are good to go.
Most people steam clothes from the outside, but you can also steam inside like a pro — wear a protection glove for extra leverage — or use against an ironing board for a super-pressed look. With the best devices, though, simply dangling the garment in mid-air and waving the steamer in its direction should work.
So, which are worth buying and which are full of hot air? Read on to find out.”
Femail Magazine
Best Handheld Clothes Steamer 2021
She writes in her article:
“WHAT IS IT? The Fridja f10 is a well-thought-out piece of kit.
Freestanding, it can be locked into constant use and comes with a water-bottle adaptor (for lightness of travel), collar press, portable hanger and fabric guard.
For safety, it will cut out after eight minutes’ continuous use so it doesn’t become too hot, requiring 15 seconds before it can be re-started.
THE VERDICT: The Fridja f10 benefits from a big, easy-to-fill tank, and feels as if it will carry on working for ever.
Its fierceness can feel slightly scary, but it makes short work of my partner’s shirt, even with my random technique. Sweep it in the vicinity of something and that thing loses its creases — even a battered trench coat. Plus it really feels as if it’s steam-cleaning.”
We can’t thank Hannah Betts enough, and thank everyone at Femail Magazine and The Daily Mail! To read the article in full simply click here – Best Handheld Clothes Steamer 2021.
Find out more the f10 handheld clothes steamer here.